...but at least it's a start.
Rico says the long-planned organizational meeting was attended by a whopping four potential members (including Four-Eyed Jack and Rico, so really only two), but at least it didn't rain.
We did discuss what we need to do to move forward, and in what manner.
We will be investigating forming Six-Gun Justice, LLC, in order to protect the membership, and determining what our fees will be (per performer) for performing and what percentage of that will be retained by the organization (for promotion and blank procurement) and what percentage will be passed on to the participants.
We all agreed that blanks will not be made by individuals, but bought by the organization and handed out to the performers at each event. This will improve our insurance coverage (through both the RGA and the manufacturer of the blanks) and ensure safety of both the performers and our clients.
All interested parties are invited to contact Four-Eyed Jack at foureyedjack@hotmail.com or Rico at henry_fardan@boxbe.com to join the group.
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